本私隱政策聲明涵蓋Koomen International Company Limited (men’s uno Hong Kong)及在線媒體(https://mensuno.hk) (統稱「men’s uno HK」或「我們」) 如何收集、使用、管理和保護我們可能向閣下收集或所收集到有關閣下的個人資料(「個人資料」)。請閣下詳細閱讀本私隱政策聲明並確保清楚及完全明白內容。
我們致力按照規定的標準處理閣下的資料,其中包括保障閣下的私隱及確保閣下個人資料的安全,以遵守(在適用情況下)香港特別行政區法例第486 章《個人資料(私隱)條例》(「條例」)。
我們或會收集、使用及保留閣下各種個人資料。為了經營我們的業務(包括核實閣下的身份以偵查、預防及處理欺詐、保安或技術問題、登記、啟動及管理閣下在men’s uno HK的帳戶,以及我們的產品和服務的帳單和收費(如適用) (統稱「服務」))及遵從任何適用之政府相關部門、法院、執法或有關當局或監管機構所發布的法律、規定、指引、規則及/或要求,閣下可能需要提供包括但不限於下列的個人資料:
- 姓名、出生月份及閣下的身份證號碼首4個字(包括字母及數字)或其他法定證明文件、旅遊證明文件所記載的其他詳情;
- 聯絡資料,包括但不限於閣下的姓名、地址、電話號碼、手提電話號碼及/或電郵地址等;
- 閣下與第三方社交媒體平台經營商分享的個人資料(例如帳戶登入姓名、圖像、聯絡資料)等;
- 付款資料,包括但不限於信用卡、扣帳卡和其他網上銀行資料;
- 與登記使用我們的服務相關的帳戶詳情或個人資料,包括但不限於相關的PIN、用戶名稱或密碼、帳戶號碼及/或服務號碼;
- 裝置的具體資料,例如硬件模型、作業系統、版本、唯一識別碼、序號、設定配置以及軟件和流動網絡配置;
- 有關閣下如何使用我們的服務的資料,例如閣下的網絡使用情況、閣下如何使用我們的網絡,以及閣下使用我們的服務時的位置;
- 閣下的信用及服務記錄,使我們能評估閣下是否合資格使用我們的服務或處理閣下轉移服務或帳戶的要求;
- 適用的政府相關部門、法院、執法或有關當局或監管機構所要求使我們能遵守任何法律、規定、規則、判決或法庭命令(不論是在香港境內或境外)或與此有關的所有個人資料;及
- men’s uno HK任何成員及/或其各自的承辦商、分包商、中介、代理商、商業夥伴或代表、經紀或承包商可能不時要求就提供服務而言為必需的任何其他個人資料。
- 在某些情況下,如法律有所規定,我們可能會徵求閣下同意我們處理包括但不限於下列類別的「特別個人資料」,使我們能進一步改善服務及/或為閣下提供更適切的類別的資料或內容:
- 年齡;
- 性別;
- 婚姻狀況;
- 出生月份;
- 教育程度及專業資格;
- 每月的收入範圍;
- 嗜好及休閒活動;
- 閣下已申請的服務;
- 聯絡資料等。
- 直接向閣下收集。例如閣下透過電話或電郵、出席我們的活動、填寫我們某項服務的申請表格或協議,或通過我們的網站、流動應用程式或網上聊天室提交閣下的個人資料,或當閣下聯絡我們提出查詢或要求時,或在日常商業事務中與我們保持聯繫期間,或當我們根據法規要求收集該等個人資料;
- 經閣下同意後向第三方,例如相關的公司、業務合作夥伴、或其他客戶或閣下的代表收集;
- 從公開資料來源收集;
- 根據我們內部有關閣下如何使用我們的服務的記錄中收集;
- 當閣下瀏覽我們的網站或流動應用程式(請參閱下述「私隱資料」);及/或
- 當閣下參與由我們或我們的代表舉行的調查或促銷活動等。
- 瀏覽器類型、版本及用戶代理;
- 操作系統;
- IP(互聯網通訊協定)地址及/或網域名稱;
- 連接數據、網頁瀏覽及/或推薦連結的統計數據及/或;
- 裝置識別資料、位置及電話聯絡人;
- 已觀看或搜尋的影片;
- 已點擊的連結或圖像;
- 「曲奇」(cookies)及/或瀏覽器、應用程式或網頁伺服器的日誌記錄;及
- 裝置及軟件特性及/或配置等。
我們的一些網站會在閣下的電腦或裝置內使用「曲奇」(cookies)或類似的追踪工具,以便我們(例如)為閣下提供個人化的服務及/或於閣下瀏覽不同網頁及/或互聯網期間進行身份識別。此等個人資料可包括但不限於登入及確認資料,以及有關閣下的裝置及閣下在我們網站及流動應用程式內的活動和喜好設定的個人資料。我們的一些網站內含嵌入式第三方功能如影像、地圖及社交媒體應用程式介面等,以提供更佳瀏覽體驗。具此等嵌入式功能的頁面或含功能供應商的「曲奇」(cookies)。我們不會從此等「曲奇」(cookies)收集資料,亦不會控制此等「曲奇」(cookies)將資料發布。此等「曲奇」(cookies)或同類技術由第三方擁有並控制,因此該第三方而非我們須對其使用事宜負責。由於第三方可依其需要隨時變動其「曲奇」(cookies),因此我們無法保證已將第三方所有「曲奇」(cookies)或同類技術列出。閣下應查閱相關第三方網站,以了解詳情。我們的網站在最初會設定為接受「曲奇」。閣下可以透過更改閣下網頁瀏覽器的設定選擇拒絕或刪除「曲奇」的歷史記錄;但是,閣下在更改有關設定後,可能無法如常使用我們網站及/或應用程式的某些功能。 (請注意:取消「曲奇」(cookies)功能後,閣下可能無法進入本網站的某些部分,以致無法享用我們提供的服務。) 此外,本網站上的連結或廣告(如有),該連結或廣告的其他公司可能會在閣下的瀏覽器上設置「曲奇」(cookies)或對其進行識別。第三方廣告商或廣告服務商對「曲奇」(cookies)的使用不受本私隱政策的約束,但受他們各自私隱政策的約束。
任何有關 men’s uno HK是否遵從條例的責任查詢及任何查閱、更改或刪除個人資料的請求,請以書面形式致函以下地址:
men’s uno Hong Kong
Privacy Policy Statement
This Privacy Policy Statement sets out how we collect, use, manage and protect the personal data or information (the “Data”) that we may collect from or about you. It applies to all individuals whose Data may be handled, whether as controller or processor, by Koomen International Company Limited (“men’s uno HK”), including https://mensuno.hk or any other social media platforms under men’s uno HK. You shall carefully read this Privacy Policy Statement to ensure that you fully and clearly understand the contents herein.
Protecting Your Privacy
We are dedicated to processing your Data in accordance with the required standards. This includes protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your Data in compliance with, where applicable, the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “Ordinance”).
Before using and providing your Data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy Statement, the law is required to obtain your written consent, and in such cases, only after having obtained such written consent may we use your Data in the manner as specified. If you are a minor or under 16 years old or a mentally incapable person, you must obtain express consent from your parents or guardian before providing any personal data to us. If you do not accept the following terms of this Policy, please stop accessing, browsing, or using our websites/our e-services.
Your Data
We may collect, use and hold a range of different Data about you. For the purposes of carrying on our business (including the verification of your identity to detect, prevent and address fraud, security or technical issues, the registration, activation, and management of your account with us, and the billing and charging of our products and services (if applicable) (collectively, “Service(s)”)) and complying with laws, rules, guidelines, regulations and/or requests issued by applicable government authorities, courts, law enforcement or other authorities or regulatory bodies, you may be requested to provide Data such as, but not limited to:
- the name, birth month and other details documented on your Hong Kong Identity Card (including first four alphanumeric characters) or other legal identity card and/or travel document;
- contact details including but not limited to name, address, phone number, mobile telephone number and/or email address, etc.;
- Data that you have shared with third party social media platform operators (e.g., account login name, profile picture, contact details), etc.;
- payment details including but not limited to credit card, debit card, and other electronic banking Data;
- account details or Data relating to Services registered with us, including but not limited to the relevant PIN, username or password, account numbers and/or service numbers;
- device specific information such as hardware model, operating system, version, unique device identifier, serial numbers, setting configurations and software and mobile network configuration;
- information about how you use our Services such as your network usage, how you use our network, and your location when you are using our Services;
- your credit and service history to enable us to assess your eligibility to our offers of Services or to accommodate your request for transfer of Services or your account with us;
- all Data requested by applicable government authorities, courts, law enforcement, or other authorities or regulatory bodies to enable us to comply with or in connection with any law, rule, regulation, judgment, or court order (whether within or outside of Hong Kong); and
- any other Data as may be required by any members of men’s uno HK and/or their respective contractors, sub-contractors, intermediaries, agents, business partners or representatives, brokers, underwriters from time to time and which is necessary for the provision of the Services.
- In some instances, where required by law to do so, we may seek your consent to process the following types of “Special Data” to us so that we may further improve our Services and/or better tailor the type of information or content that we present to you:
- age;
- gender;
- marital status;
- month of birth;
- education and profession;
- monthly income range;
- hobbies and leisure activities;
- the Services that you have subscribed for; and
- contact details, etc.
How Do We Collect Data
We collect Data in several ways, including from:
- you directly, for example, when you provide Data by phone or via email, attend our functions, complete an application form or agreement for one of our Services, or when you submit your Data through our websites, mobile apps, or online chat sessions; or when you contact us with a query or request; or during the ordinary course of the continuation of our business relationship with you; or when we are legally required to do so;
- third parties such as related entities, business partners, or other customers, or your representatives with appropriate consent from you;
- publicly available sources;
- our own records of how you use our Services;
- your visits on our websites or mobile apps (see “Privacy Data” section below); and/or
- your participation in surveys or marketing promotions organized by us or on our behalf, etc.
Participation in Voting Activities or Activities with Prize Incentives
When participating in promotional activities organized by our magazines or online media or co-organized by our business parties, users may not be required to be registered as our members but will be required to provide personal data for registration.
Personal Data We Collect When You Buy from Us
When you buy and place an order with us, you may need to provide Data such as your legal name, email address, telephone number, residential and shipping address, payment type and details, etc. men’s uno HK does not collect credit card details. If you do not provide men’s uno HK with the request Data, or if the information provided is inaccurate, we may not be able to process your order or provide you with sufficient customer service upon receiving your order inquiry. We will use your submitted Data to process your order and for purposes set out in this Policy. We will not disclose any collected Personal Data except where stated herein or otherwise notified in advance.
Privacy Data
Our websites servers may collect Data relating to your website, device, or app activity to serve your needs and preferences better. We may also collect aggregated, anonymous, statistical data on the server’s usage to better cater to the behavior of users of our websites and mobile apps. This type of Data may include, but is not limited to:
- browser type, version, and user agent;
- operating system;
- IP (Internet Protocol) address and/or domain name;
- connection data, statistics on page views and/or referral URLs;
- device ID, location, and phone contacts;
- videos watched or searched for;
- links or images clicked on;
- cookies and/or browser, app or web server log data; and
- device and software characteristics and/or configuration.
Some of our websites use cookies or similar tracking tools on your machine or device for us to, for example, personalize your user experience and/or maintain your identity across multiple webpages and/or internet sessions. This Data may include, but is not limited to, relevant login and authentication details as well as Data relating to your activities and the preference configurations on your device and across our websites and mobile apps. Our websites have embedded third parties features such as videos, maps, and social media apps that provide you with a better browsing experience. Pages with these embedded features may present cookies from feature providers. We do not collect information from these cookies and do not control the dissemination of these cookies. These cookies or similar technologies are owned and controlled by third parties, and therefore the third parties – and not men’s uno HK – are responsible for their use. As such, we cannot guarantee that we have listed every cookie or similar technology you might get from a third party since a third party could change them at any time as their needs change. You should check the relevant third party website for more information about these. Our websites are initially set up to accept cookies. You can opt-out of or delete historical cookies by changing the settings on your web browsers; however, if you do so, you may find that certain features on our websites and/or our app do not work properly. (Note: Disabling the cookies function may cause inaccessibility to some parts of our websites and thus, you may not be able to enjoy our Services.)
Apart from that, as for any link or advertisement on our websites (if any), its owner may set or identify cookies on your browser. The use of cookies by third party advertisers or advertising providers is not subject to this Privacy Policy Statement but their respective privacy policy statements.
Retention of Your Data
We will retain your Data in accordance with our internal policies. Our policies comply with the Ordinance where applicable and cover the following principles:
- Data will only be retained for as long as is necessary to fulfill the original or directly related purposes for which it was collected unless the Data is also retained to satisfy any applicable legal, regulatory or contractual obligations; and
- Data are purged from our electronic, manual, and other filing systems based on the above criteria and our internal procedures.
Our websites and mobile applications (if any) may contain links to other websites, webpages, and mobile applications operated by third parties. We have no control over the content of the linked websites, webpages, and mobile applications or the way in which the operators of those websites, webpages and mobile applications deal with your Data and are not responsible for the content of such third party websites, webpages or mobile applications. You should review the privacy policy statement of such third party websites, webpages, and mobile applications to understand the ways in which those third parties may use your Data.
Contact Us
For all issues and enquiries regarding our compliance with our obligations under the Ordinance where applicable, and any request for access to, correction or deletion of your Data, please contact us in writing at:
Koomen International Company Limited
Room 813, 8/F, Block A, Tonic Industrial Centre, 26 Kai Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay
or via email to: info@koomen.asia
To raise an issue regarding our Data handling, please contact us to attempt to resolve your issue.
閣下明確了解及同意閣下使用Koomen International Company Limited 轄下的 men’s uno Hong Kong網站(https://mensuno.hk)(簡稱「men’s uno HK」)的風險是由閣下個人承擔。本服務所提供的資訊內容、資料、產品及╱或服務是基於「現況」及「現有」的基礎提供。
在現行法律最大容許的情況下,men’s uno HK清楚明示不提供任何明示或默示的擔保,包含但不限於任何作品名目的擁有權、商業適售性、質量保證、特定目的之適用性及未侵害第三方的權利。
men’s uno HK不保證本服務提供的資訊內容、資料、產品及╱或服務將符合閣下的要求,亦不保證該等資訊內容、資料、產品及╱或服務的使用及獲得不受干擾、及時提供、安全可靠或免於出錯。men’s uno HK不保證由本服務提供的資訊內容、資料、產品及╱或服務之使用而取得的結果正確、可靠、完整或及時。men’s uno HK亦不保證軟件及硬件中的任何錯誤都將得到改正。
men’s uno HK不對經由或透過本服務購買或取得之任何產品及服務或交易作出任何保證。
是否經由本服務之使用下載或取得的任何資料應由閣下自行考慮且自負風險,因前開的資料之下載而導致閣下電腦系統的任何損壞或資料流失,閣下應負完全責任,men’s uno HK不負責,亦不承擔閣下因此而所造成的任何損失。
men’s uno HK不負責,亦不承擔任何損害或損失,該些損害或損失是因使用本網站故障、錯誤、遺漏、干擾、刪改、缺點、傳送或接收延誤、因下載而感染電腦病毒、通訊系統故障、盜用或破壞或未獲授權登入、更改或使用紀錄而造成的,亦不論是否因而引致毀約、侵權、疏忽及其他訴訟而造成的損害或損失。
men’s uno HK不負責,亦不承擔任何損失或損害是由於不可抗力情況的發生,如發生火災、水災、暴雨、颱風、閃電、地震、暴動、騷動、戰爭或其他自然災禍等不可控制的事故、或有關法例或監管守則的制定或更改及政府或有關機構的限制、或在men’s uno HK不可合理控制的情況下 ( 包括但不限於資訊內容的傳送延誤或錯誤 ) ,引致men’s uno HK不能履行協議內的責任或提供服務。
men’s uno HK、以及參與製作、出品、提供予本網絡任何資訊內容、資料、產品及╱或服務的其他人仕不承擔任何因這些資訊內容、資料、產品及╱或服務所產生的直接、間接、附帶的、特別的、衍生性或懲罰性賠償(即使men’s uno HK已被告知前開賠償之可能性亦然),如: (i) 本服務提供的資訊內容和資料不正確、無效的或不完整; (ii) 本服務之使用或無法使用; (iii) 經由或透過本服務購買或取得之任何產品、資料、資訊或服務,或接收的訊息,或進行之交易所衍生之代替產品及服務之購買成本; (v) 閣下的資料傳輸或資料遭到未獲授權存取或變造; (vi) 以及本服務的其他相關事宜包括但不限於收入、利潤、經營、商譽、使用、資料損失或其他無形損失。如有關索償是因men’s uno HK的疏忽或有意行為造成的,索償額將限於men’s uno HK所收取的該項服務費用。
本服務可能包含網頁使用者、廣告客戶、聯名商戶、夥伴或其他第三者所張貼之資訊內容,而該等內容未經men’s uno HK修訂及審閱。men’s uno HK對因以上人士張貼之資訊內容所帶來之損失或損害概不負責。除另有所指外,本服務內所有的資訊內容並不反映任何men’s uno HK或其集團公司之意見。
Disclaimer of Warranties
You expressly agree that the use of https://mensuno.hk under Koomen International Company Limited (“men’s uno HK”) is at your sole risk. The content, materials, goods and/or services contained in https://mensuno.hk is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, men’s uno HK expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of title, implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of any intellectual property rights of third parties.
men’s uno HK makes no warranty that the content, materials, goods and/or service will meet your requirements, or that your access to the site will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free; nor does men’s uno HK make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of goods or services or as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any information, content, materials obtained through https://mensuno.hk or that defects in software or hardware problems will be corrected.
men’s uno HK makes no warranty regarding any goods or service purchased or obtained through https://mensuno.hk or any transaction entered into through https://mensuno.hk.
Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the services of https://mensuno.hk is done at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material.
This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury caused by the use of https://mensuno.hk, any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, or under any other cause of action.
The disclaimer of liability also applies to any liability for any or losses of or damages to failure to perform responsibilities or provide the service in this agreement attributable to any event or circumstance beyond men’s uno HK control or any amendments or legislation of the applicable laws, conventions and regulations, or fires, rainstorms, typhoons, thunders, earthquakes, riots, wars or any other natural disasters.
In no event shall men’s uno HK, or any party involved in creating, producing or provision of any contents, materials, goods and/or services through https://mensuno.hk be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages resulting from (i) the inaccuracy, invalidity or incompleteness of the content and materials; (ii) the use of or inability to use the service; (iii) the cost of procurement of substitute goods and/or service resulting from any goods and/or services purchased or obtained; data, information or services purchased or obtained or messages received or transactions entered into through https://mensuno.hk, (iv) unauthorized access to or alteration of the transmission or any other matter relating to the goods and services, including but not limited to, damages for loss of revenue or anticipated profits, loss of business, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, even if men’s uno HK has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In the event of any claims arising from the gross negligence or deliberate act of men’s uno HK, the claims shall be limited to the amount of fees (if any) paid for the use of goods and/or services.
https://mensuno.hk may contain materials provided or posted by web users, advertisers, co-brander, partner or any other third party. men’s uno HK has not edited or reviewed any of the aforesaid materials. men’s uno HK shall not be responsible and liable for any losses or damages arising from the materials provided or posted by those parties. Unless stated otherwise, the materials contained in https://mensuno.hk shall not represent any view or opinion of men’s uno HK and/or its affiliated companies.