此等脫俗的照片來自NYC Dance Project,由時裝Blogger Ken Brower和舞蹈攝影師Deborah Ory一手創辦。極具文化藝術氣息的構思原來來自他們同樣鍾情芭蕾舞的女兒。在替女兒裝飾房間之際,他們本想把女兒的房間掛滿名舞蹈家的舞蹈照片,可惜市面上卻欠奉此類作品。於是二人便決意親自操刀,與American Ballet Theatre合作,替出色的舞者拍攝並編制成The Art of Movement 一書,相信每位熱愛芭蕾舞蹈的,也對Ken和Deborah感激不已。
Miriam Miller
“Having confidence in yourself will help you become a stronger dancer. It’s not about being conceited or worrying about whether you are good enough, but feeling focused and confident about your dancing. This will improve your artistry and presence and help you stand out more. Also, having confidence allows you to take more risks and realize your full potential.”
Veronika Part
“When I was young, I danced in my room to an old recording of Swan Lake. This was my first introduction to dance. “
Miriam Miller
“Having confidence in yourself will help you become a stronger dancer. It’s not about being conceited or worrying about whether you are good enough, but feeling focused and confident about your dancing. This will improve your artistry and presence and help you stand out more. Also, having confidence allows you to take more risks and realize your full potential.”
Chase Finlay
“The most rewarding part of being a dancer is being on stage, because it allows you to be someone else for a few hours. The curtain comes up and and you have an out of body experience.”
Isabelle Guerin
“I believe that ballet is not just about the number of pirouettes you can do or how high you can kick your leg. Ballet is an art and there is no age limit to express yourself. Just accept who you are and who you have become. Your age and your limits. Use your life experiences to bring something new to your art.”
Charlotte Landreau
“When you go on stage, you’re giving emotions to the world, you can express your inner world, become a goddess, die and then kill, transform yourself over and over again. I would say don’t be afraid to throw your soul to your audience, if you want to become a dancer.”
Tiler Peck
“I wish I knew how to take care of my body when I started dancing. Dance is an extremely physically demanding career and it is really important to be good to your body because it is your instrument.”